Advanced Member
145 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 11/13/2017 : 11:49:00
I used to have a part# and part description in the seo friendly I can't get the part# link active here is my includes file is below
what am I missing when I add the $GLOBALS['seodetailurls']=TRUE line my whole site crashes!!
how can I get the part number to be an active link again?
see my cart here
<?php // For a description of these parameters and their useage, please open the following URL in your browser // // These are just a few examples of the parameters you can use to control // your store. There are many, many more explained at the above URL
$GLOBALS['pathtossl']=""; $GLOBALS['taxShipping']=0; $GLOBALS['pagebarattop']=0; $GLOBALS['productcolumns']=2; $GLOBALS['useproductbodyformat']=2; $GLOBALS['usesearchbodyformat']=1; $GLOBALS['usedetailbodyformat']=3; $GLOBALS['useemailfriend']=TRUE; $GLOBALS['usecategoryformat']=1; $GLOBALS['showtaxinclusive']=FALSE; $GLOBALS['upspickuptype']="03"; $GLOBALS['overridecurrency']=FALSE; $GLOBALS['useimageincart']=FALSE; $GLOBALS['orcsymbol']="\$"; $GLOBALS['orcemailsymbol']="\$"; $GLOBALS['orcdecplaces']=2; $GLOBALS['orcdecimals']="."; $GLOBALS['orcthousands']=","; $GLOBALS['orcpreamount']=TRUE; $GLOBALS['showcategories']=TRUE; $GLOBALS['showproductid']=TRUE; $GLOBALS['manufacturerfield']=TRUE; $GLOBALS['termsandconditions']=FALSE; $GLOBALS['nomarkup']=TRUE; // HOOK css change... $GLOBALS['usecsslayout']=TRUE; //my changes $GLOBALS['seodetailurls']=TRUE; $GLOBALS['forcedetailslink']=TRUE; $GLOBALS['allowclientregistration']=true; $GLOBALS['enableclientlogin']=true; $GLOBALS['seoprodurlpattern']='/products/%s'; $GLOBALS['seomanufacturerpattern']='/manufacturer/%s'; $GLOBALS['csvProdFields']="pID,pSKU,pName,pSection,pPrice,pListPrice,pWholesalePrice,pDisplay,pSell,pDescription,pLongdescription,pManufacturer,pImage1"; $GLOBALS['usepnamefordetaillinks']=TRUE; $GLOBALS['usecategoryname']=TRUE; $GLOBALS['detailnameh1']=TRUE; // =================================================================== // Please do not edit anything below this line // ===================================================================
error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
define("maxprodopts",15); define("helpbaseurl",""); ?>
Edited by - mrouse2323 on 11/13/2017 12:22:47
ECT Moderator
65937 Posts |
Posted - 11/13/2017 : 12:11:17
Advanced Member
145 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 11/13/2017 : 12:17:25
ok I did that but 2 things now the part# link still isn't active?
and the description link looks active but when you click on it I get a 404 error
see my cart below
ECT Moderator
65937 Posts |
Posted - 11/13/2017 : 12:34:40
Hi a couple of things this one should work KIT VLV HNDL BRCKET check that you have defined the detail spacer in the includes $detlinkspacechar="-"; (you can use dash or underscore) next this one is not going to work due to the comma and parenthesis try removing those - BUSH, DRY (18MM) The other issue I see is the products pages is on https://www. but the detail page is going to without the www. - in the admin under main settings check that the store url and the HTTPS Store URL: are set correctly in most cases they should be the same. Winners never quit, quitters never win CSS and Responsive DesignsUser Manual for Ecommerce Templates
Advanced Member
145 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 11/13/2017 : 12:47:32
how would you use this code for wordpress?
would it be $GLOBALS['detlinkspacechar']=-;
Advanced Member
145 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 11/13/2017 : 12:59:24
ok I changed the store url and https url to both no change
then I changes both to www. no change
how do I fix that?
Edited by - mrouse2323 on 11/13/2017 13:14:16
Advanced Member
145 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 11/13/2017 : 13:16:01
I use to have both the part# and product description in the seo friendly I cant get them
am I allowed to use both ??
$GLOBALS['forcedetailslink']=TRUE; $GLOBALS['seodetailurls']=TRUE;
ECT Moderator
65937 Posts |
Posted - 11/13/2017 : 13:22:36
Hi I see this is a Wordpress site can you paste here what is in the .htaccess also did you set the base url in wordpress header file? Can you review the Wordpress instructions here Winners never quit, quitters never win CSS and Responsive DesignsUser Manual for Ecommerce Templates
Advanced Member
145 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 11/13/2017 : 19:52:57
yeah I paid for the seo service package and I guess Andy had set it up....I'm looking for this to be complete and fixed please
heres the file:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Options FollowSymLinks Options -MultiViews RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^category/([^/.]*)/?$ /categories.php?cat=$1 [QSA,nc,L,B] RewriteRule ^products/([^/.]*)/?$ /products.php?cat=$1 [QSA,nc,L,B] RewriteRule ^manufacturer/?$ /categories.php?man=all [QSA,nc,L,B] RewriteRule ^manufacturer/([^/.]*)/?$ /products.php?man=$1 [QSA,nc,L,B] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/sample-post/ RewriteRule ^([^/.]+)$ proddetail.php?prod=$1 [QSA,nc,L,B] </IfModule> # BEGIN W3TC Browser Cache <IfModule mod_mime.c> AddType text/css .css AddType text/x-component .htc AddType application/x-javascript .js AddType application/javascript .js2 AddType text/javascript .js3 AddType text/x-js .js4 AddType text/html .html .htm AddType text/richtext .rtf .rtx AddType image/svg+xml .svg .svgz AddType text/plain .txt AddType text/xsd .xsd AddType text/xsl .xsl AddType text/xml .xml AddType video/asf .asf .asx .wax .wmv .wmx AddType video/avi .avi AddType image/bmp .bmp AddType application/java .class AddType video/divx .divx AddType application/msword .doc .docx AddType application/ .eot AddType application/x-msdownload .exe AddType image/gif .gif AddType application/x-gzip .gz .gzip AddType image/x-icon .ico AddType image/jpeg .jpg .jpeg .jpe AddType application/json .json AddType application/ .mdb AddType audio/midi .mid .midi AddType video/quicktime .mov .qt AddType audio/mpeg .mp3 .m4a AddType video/mp4 .mp4 .m4v AddType video/mpeg .mpeg .mpg .mpe AddType application/ .mpp AddType application/x-font-otf .otf AddType application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database .odb AddType application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart .odc AddType application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula .odf AddType application/ .odg AddType application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation .odp AddType application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet .ods AddType application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text .odt AddType audio/ogg .ogg AddType application/pdf .pdf AddType image/png .png AddType application/ .pot .pps .ppt .pptx AddType audio/x-realaudio .ra .ram AddType application/x-shockwave-flash .swf AddType application/x-tar .tar AddType image/tiff .tif .tiff AddType application/x-font-ttf .ttf .ttc AddType audio/wav .wav AddType audio/wma .wma AddType application/ .wri AddType application/ .xla .xls .xlsx .xlt .xlw AddType application/zip .zip </IfModule> <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType text/css A31536000 ExpiresByType text/x-component A31536000 ExpiresByType application/x-javascript A31536000 ExpiresByType application/javascript A31536000 ExpiresByType text/javascript A31536000 ExpiresByType text/x-js A31536000 ExpiresByType text/html A3600 ExpiresByType text/richtext A3600 ExpiresByType image/svg+xml A3600 ExpiresByType text/plain A3600 ExpiresByType text/xsd A3600 ExpiresByType text/xsl A3600 ExpiresByType text/xml A3600 ExpiresByType video/asf A31536000 ExpiresByType video/avi A31536000 ExpiresByType image/bmp A31536000 ExpiresByType 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# BEGIN WordPress
# END WordPress

ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 11/14/2017 : 00:31:59
Hi Mike I wrote to you about this two weeks ago quote: I haven’t added extensionless URLs as your pages will already have been indexed with the current URLs it would be like starting over. You also have static URLs which can’t be used with extensionless URLs.
and received a reply from you. If you want me to set up the extenionless URLs that's not a problem but you will first need to remove the static pages as they aren't compatible. Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
Advanced Member
145 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 11/14/2017 : 03:04:57
ok I think I get what your saying...I had the part# and part descritption in the link for each part....if you look at the part# you can't click on it? what has happened?
Edited by - mrouse2323 on 11/14/2017 03:06:22
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 11/14/2017 : 03:22:02
Can you let me know where that's happening? At the moment you have the product name as part of the link to the detail page $GLOBALS['usepnamefordetaillinks']=TRUE; If you want the product id as part of the link you'd remove the above line from includes.php. Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
Advanced Member
145 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 11/14/2017 : 04:04:58
I want the pid and pname part of the detail link
I pulled the below links off of googles merchant center list that I had uploaded a while back...the link is no longer active?? So what changed? I used to have it here is an examples of old links*-70000-25011
but now all I get is the pname
so how do I get both?
check my includes file
Edited by - mrouse2323 on 11/14/2017 04:16:21
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 11/14/2017 : 04:49:35
Advanced Member
145 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 11/14/2017 : 05:00:03
hmm I used too or I wouldn't have put the link in the google merchant feed??.....did something change with a shopping cart update? can this be added?
anyway I went through and removed $GLOBALS['usepnamefordetaillinks']=TRUE;
I want the part# to be linkable
now when I click on the pname it gives me a 404 error see includes file
$GLOBALS['seodetailurls']=TRUE; $GLOBALS['forcedetailslink']=TRUE; $Globals['detlinkspacechar']="-"; $GLOBALS['allowclientregistration']=true; $GLOBALS['enableclientlogin']=true; $GLOBALS['seoprodurlpattern']='/products/%s'; $GLOBALS['seomanufacturerpattern']='/manufacturer/%s'; $GLOBALS['csvProdFields']="pID,pSKU,pName,pSection,pPrice,pListPrice,pWholesalePrice,pDisplay,pSell,pDescription,pLongdescription,pManufacturer,pImage1"; $GLOBALS['usecategoryname']=TRUE; $GLOBALS['detailnameh1']=TRUE;
Edited by - mrouse2323 on 11/14/2017 05:07:42
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 11/14/2017 : 06:18:36
One problem is that you have a large number of products called "Bolt" - that means that the extensionless URLs will use the same URL for all those same named products. Before you use extensionless URLs the product names would need to be unique as they are based on the product name and not on the product ID. Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
Advanced Member
145 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 11/14/2017 : 06:36:48
ok well I'm going with the partid or part number for the link instead.... so I tinkered around and when I remove the line $GLOBALS['seodetailurls']=TRUE;
it works to just link to the pid? is that ok to remove that line above?
is there a way you can think of to link both the pid and pname? I swear there used to be,,,,,
Edited by - mrouse2323 on 11/14/2017 06:42:35
Ecommerce Template Guru
1916 Posts |
Posted - 11/14/2017 : 07:30:46
You could add the product ID to the product name. That would generate the link the way you describe.
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