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Ecommerce Template Expert

986 Posts

Posted - 11/09/2023 :  16:41:22  
We just had 4 orders go through to different names at this address:

553 Antelope Dr
Deltona, Florida 32725

Unfortunately, one of them passed the AVS and we shipped the order, so we're out over $400, but just wanted to share in case someone else gets an order going to this address.


ECT Moderator

10451 Posts

Posted - 11/09/2023 :  18:27:14  
So sorry to hear this Kelley.
If the one is still in transit and shipped via UPS or FEDEX, you can recall the shipment.


Advanced Member

491 Posts

Posted - 12/01/2023 :  08:05:53  
I wonder why no one has started a legitimate "bad buyer list" that merchants can access.

There's a site that claims to do this at, but the fact that they collect buyers' personal data without any stated privacy protection and without merchant sign-on makes the service seem suspect - and possibly in violation of online privacy laws.

ECT Moderator

10451 Posts

Posted - 12/01/2023 :  08:12:56  
I like the sound of that Paul, but it's probably a bunch of lawsuits waiting to happen.
Banks share info though. If you have a bed debt with a bank, just try to open an account at another one and see what happens.
There is the whole system of credit checks and reporting too.
But let merchants start up a list of bad actors and I expect it would be trouble in short order though.


Advanced Member

491 Posts

Posted - 12/01/2023 :  08:49:25  
To uphold privacy laws the trick might be to create protected silos of data.

You'd query an email address, phone or street address to see any associated dispute type, date and dollar amount.

When a merchant reports a bad buyer, there's got to be assurance that the private contact details won't be disclosed to others - just like mailing lists on Mail Chimp.

Having said that, I think that most ECT store owners are in a much better position than brick-and-mortar and Amazon sellers.

Roughly 5% of our Amazon sales have "friendly fraud" returns from buyers who use our drain cleaning tools and then return them for a refund, covered in sewage so they go in the trash, because the buyer assumes that Jeff Bezos is paying the tab. With our ECT store our return rate is way less than 1%.

Ecommerce Template Expert

815 Posts

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Posted - 06/24/2024 :  11:06:09  
I have used with good results.
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