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ECT Moderator

1719 Posts

Posted - 02/14/2024 :  07:04:51  
I have a client located in Australia. She is trying to connect to the new PayPal Checkout but when she gets to number 5 on the instructions, she doesn't get the agreement. After she logs in to her PP account she gets a bunch of questions about her account. We can't get past 5. Could it be because she is not in USA? Any suggestions?

You will see a message to "Connect a PayPal account to start accepting payments on ViciSoft SL" and here you just need to log in to your PayPal account. ViciSoft SL is the company behind Ecommerce Templates but we don't see your PayPal login or credentials.
Agree to the PayPal agreement and click to return to the store.


42785 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2024 :  04:33:36  
Hi LadyM
PayPal Checkout is used in Australia and I can't imagine any reason why it wouldn't work there. What you DO get at that point? Is it a blank page for instance?
Also, have you tried just clicking the "Settings" in the ECT Admin to see if the credentials have been passed to the store?


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ECT Moderator

1719 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2024 :  07:21:09  
She doesn't get the agreement. She gets a bunch of questions about her account. She has to check something to move on. We tried it with setting the store location in the admin to both USA, same results, and then Australia.

Yes, I did login to see if the credentials were there and they are not. I emptied my cache and refreshed the page.

She is logging in to PP herself, following the instructions while we're on zoom. She's on 7.6.3. Maybe I'll have her take some screen shots to see exactly what's what. Any other suggestions?


42785 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2024 :  07:34:06  

ECT Moderator

1719 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2024 :  07:36:24  
Update: She set her account at business and the cart connected perfectly. Thanks for the help.

Edited by - LadyM on 02/17/2024 07:34:42
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