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 Display customer search term on search results pg
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ECT Moderator

10451 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2018 :  17:15:20  
version 2.0
This works for both .asp and .php versions.
It is updaterproof, meaning this will not get overwritten when you update your store.
The code is slightly different for .asp and .php versions
This will work regardless if you are using the nobox=true parameter.
This is conditional so if no search term is entered, then nothing will display.
EDITED - Thanks to Marshall's post below, code has been edited to work with nobox setting.

It will show the text that the user searched for.
Link to demo below



1. Open your search.asp page in your html editor.
2. In the content area of the page you will find the include line as follows
<!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/incsearch.asp"-->

Just above that, add the following line
<div class="searchedfor" id="searchedfor"></div>

3. Just below that, add the following
if ('<%=htmlspecials(request("stext"))%>' != '') {
var searchedfor = ('Showing results for: <%=htmlspecials(request("stext"))%>');
document.getElementById('searchedfor').innerHTML = searchedfor;

4. Upload to the server.


1. Open your search.php page in your html editor.
2. In the content area of the page you will find the include line as follows
<?php include "vsadmin/inc/incsearch.php" ?>

Just above that, add the following line
<div class="searchedfor" id="searchedfor"></div>

3. Just below that, add the following
if ('<?php print htmlspecials($stext)?>' != '') {
var searchedfor = ('Showing results for: <?php print htmlspecials($stext)?>');
document.getElementById('searchedfor').innerHTML = searchedfor;

4. Upload to the server.

This is written so nothing happens if no search term is entered and a visitor just navigates to the search page with no search term.
It can be styled with the class "searchedfor".
div.searchedfor {color:red; font-weight:bold; font-size:16px;} for example
The text there in the script Showing results for: can be changed to anything you like.

Demo here -
As stated, when no search term is entered, there is no output there


Edited by - dbdave on 09/02/2018 10:56:08

Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2018 :  20:19:32  
For ASP, put <%=htmlspecials(request("stext"))%> where you want the terms to appear, e.g.
<meta name="description" content="Search results for '<%=htmlspecials(request("stext"))%>' ">

For PHP, put
above where you want the terms to appear then
<meta name="description" content="Search results for '<?php print htmlspecials($stext)?>' ">

I use this method as shown, both ASP and PHP, and it works very well.

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Posted - 09/03/2018 :  02:10:51  
Thanks for sharing this Dave - it works very well.

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