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 Product ID Class For Each Individual Product
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ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2019 :  01:56:06  
In ECT 7.0.1 we introduced the ability to target individual product elements via the css file. I haven't seen too many people using it and it really is a powerful new tool. Here's an example of how we used it on ECT.

Go to our Store Tools page and you'll all the first dozen or so products following the same layout

At the bottom of the page are two sets of third party plugins, Magic Toolbox and POWr. We don't sell those ourselves so we have no need for an add to cart button, price or product id. The product image is also larger than the rest of the icons on the page and we don't have a detail page as such.

The product id of each is MagicToolbox and powr, that means we can target them via the css file using the following

.MagicToolbox div.prodid{display:none}
.MagicToolbox div.prodprice{display:none}
.MagicToolbox div.outofstock{display:none}
.MagicToolbox div.prodimage{width:98%;}

.powr div.prodid{display:none}
.powr div.prodprice{display:none}
.powr div.outofstock{display:none}
.powr div.prodimage{width:98%;}

Then in the product admin page we selected "Has Static URL" and linked to the main help page, help/powr-plugins.asp

This is just a simple example of the feature in action but it should be possible to get really creative with this.


Please feel free to review / rate our software

ECT Moderator

10451 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2019 :  06:52:49  
This is really great Andy. We have one product we created that is actually just there so if a customer searches for discount, or coupon, it will come up and act as a link to a page where we have discount codes.
In the past it was difficult to hide some elements, so this will make it much easier.
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