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 Adding logos to Quckbuy & login popups
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ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2020 :  09:01:56  
Sprucing up the login and create account popup box to include the site logo. In your main style sheet style.css or ectstyle.css (not ectcart.css) the following css will add the logo to after the text for those elements, place the css prior to any break points for smaller devices. before /*This is the first breakpoint and contains styles for screens 1199px to 980px*/ Your theme or template maybe different but the concept is the same. Change after to before if that is where you want the logo to display. Adjust margin or use padding, also the logo should be sized prior as it will use the actual size of the logo.

div.cartloginheader::after {
content: url(path to/site_logo.gif);
margin-left: 20px;



div.cartnewaccountheader::after {
content: url(path to/site_logo.gif);
margin-left: 20px;


Quick Buy, in this example I wanted the logo more to the left so I pushed it with a right margin.

div.qbuywrapper::after {
content: url(path to/site_logo.gif);
margin-right: 150px;


**Important** If you do not see the image check the path to the image is correct.

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