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steven vaccaro
Ecommerce Template Guru

1045 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2022 :  12:36:45  
Right now to change the slider we have to go into the coding and make code changes to the index page.

Is there anything out there for a mod that would work like the "Featured" category and autofill a large slider but just adding that item to a specific catagory?

John M
Advanced Member

459 Posts

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Posted - 04/25/2022 :  16:48:49  
Just add any jquery slider to your website categories page for example:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Then use the ECT category header to to edit the content when ever you like.

Here is an example of a category header for bxslider:

[blue]<script type="text/javascript">
$('.slider1').bxSlider({ slideWidth: 1200, mode: 'fade', preloadImages: 'visible', minSlides: 1, maxSlides: 1, moveSlides: 1, slideMargin: 0, speed: 2000, pause: 5000, auto: true, controls: false, captions:true, pager: false, infiniteLoop: true, touchEnabled: true});

<div class="slides">

<div class="slide">
<a href="YOUR/LINK">
<img src="images/YOURIMAGE.jpg" title="YOUR TITLE" alt="YOUR ALT TEXT" />

<div class="slide">
<a href="YOUR/LINK1">
<img src="images/YOURIMAGE1.jpg" title="YOUR TITLE1" alt="YOUR ALT TEXT1" />


Simply copy and paste the blue text to each category header using a different link, image and title. Tweak the slider parameters to what ever you want, and add as many slides as you like to each category... but not to many that negatively impacts the category page load time.


Edited by - John M on 04/25/2022 16:50:18

steven vaccaro
Ecommerce Template Guru

1045 Posts

Posted - 01/23/2023 :  13:38:11  
Its been a while, but thanks. I believe this is similar to what Im currently doing.

Im looking for a user to be able to put an item into a special category and have that category's item pictures to run in the slide. Another words without the coding side of things.

Edited by - steven vaccaro on 01/23/2023 13:38:56
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