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51 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 02/12/2024 : 11:15:33
I'm getting this "Invalid floating point number in property "price" (in "offers")" in Search Console on Google.
I have been advised by a Google Expert of the following:
[quote]The one you've described is a Search Console one, and is indeed down to your markup.
Changing: <span class="price" id="pricediv0" itemprop="price">$12.95</span> to: <span class="price" id="pricediv0">$<span itemprop="price">12.95</span></span>
would work. Note you have a javascript function on line 254, formatprice() that's affecting this.[/quote]
That javascript is served from the /inc/incfunctions.asp at line 759
[code]function formatprice(i, currcode, currformat){ <% tempStr=FormatEuroCurrency(0) hasdecimals=InStr(tempStr,",")<>0 OR InStr(tempStr,".")<>0 response.write "if(hiddencurr=='')hiddencurr=document.getElementById('hiddencurr').value;var pTemplate=hiddencurr;" & vbCrLf response.write "if(currcode!='') pTemplate=' " & FormatNumber(0,2) & "' + (currcode!=' '?'<strong>'+currcode+'<\/strong>':'');" response.write "if(currcode==' JPY'"&IIfVs(NOT hasdecimals,"||currcode==''")&")i=Math.round(i).toString();" if hasdecimals then %> else if(i==Math.round(i))i=i.toString()+".00"; else if(i*10.0==Math.round(i*10.0))i=i.toString()+"0"; else if(i*100.0==Math.round(i*100.0))i=i.toString(); <% end if response.write "i=addCommas(i.toString()"&IIfVr(InStr(tempStr,",")<>0,".replace(/\./,','),',','.'",",'.',','")&");" response.write "if(currcode!='')pTemplate=currformat.toString().replace(/%s/,i.toString());" response.write "else pTemplate=pTemplate.toString().replace(/\d[,.]*\d*/,i.toString());" response.write "return(pTemplate);" %>} [/code]
I need to get this fixed ASAP before the shut my account down.
ECT'ing since v3.1
Edited by - RobertBrady on 02/12/2024 11:35:35
ECT Moderator
10422 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2024 : 11:36:34
Hi Robert, I don't think the currency symbol ($) should be there, but I also see other differences between my site and yours. What version of the cart (seen the in admin) are you on? If it's old, then you likely need to update as there have been many improvements on schema data in recent updates.
Thanks, David
Edited by - dbdave on 02/12/2024 12:03:14
ECT Moderator
10422 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2024 : 11:39:21
Seeing the edit in your original post, please don't go editing the core files as that should not be needed. Thanks, David
New Member
51 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 02/12/2024 : 12:18:34
It doesn't seem to matter what version of ECT I'm on. I went to the list of LIVE ECT websites and their source HTML markup is the same as mine.
They all show the "$" symbol in the same <span> tag.
[code]<span class="price" id="pricediv0">$0.00</span>[/code]
ECT'ing since v3.1
ECT Moderator
10422 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2024 : 12:22:25
Hi Robert, I'm afraid some of the demo sites may not all be current. Can you tell me what version of ECT you are on? Thanks, David
New Member
51 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 02/12/2024 : 12:48:03
I have no idea anymore what version I'm on. I created this site in 2014
And up until a few months ago, this wasn't an issue with Google Search/Google Merchant, and now it is, and we're facing suspension if we don't get this sorted
[url][/url] (Google Merchant Listing)
ECT'ing since v3.1
Edited by - RobertBrady on 02/12/2024 12:50:57
New Member
51 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 02/12/2024 : 13:00:04
Here's one live result I'm referring to that is also affecting all my product listings
ECT'ing since v3.1
ECT Moderator
United Kingdom
1194 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2024 : 13:15:54
Hi Robert quote: I have no idea anymore what version I'm on. I created this site in 2014
To check the version login to the admin, on the page that loads in the very left side is the current version number Will
Edited by - 1818charlie on 02/12/2024 13:19:16
New Member
51 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 02/12/2024 : 13:29:25
6.5.1 ASP
ECT'ing since v3.1
Edited by - RobertBrady on 02/12/2024 13:31:20
New Member
51 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 02/12/2024 : 13:33:21
I also have no problem with editing the core code for this cart because after I get all these current issues straightened out, I'm moving over the Wordpress version of ECT for future proofing.
ECT'ing since v3.1
ECT Moderator
10422 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2024 : 14:22:05
Hi Robert, version 6.5.1 ASP is extremely old and not really secure either. A simple update will fix that and give you a wealth of additional schema data that the SERPS will love. It's going to be much more difficult to hack the back end code (which you identified as javascript, but is actually .asp) and you would still be missing tons of new features. FYI - The wordpress version still requires updates. Thanks, David
Edited by - dbdave on 02/12/2024 14:23:20
New Member
51 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 02/12/2024 : 16:18:52
I get it. I AM going to be migrating to the latest edition of ECT
BUT, until then, I can't VALIDATE my pages in GOOGLE SEARCH, and I have 2 weeks to straighten out this issue with Google Search not LIKING the format of the product detail price formatting, or our account gets suspended for violations.
All I want to do is strip the "$" from the price, and hardcode HTML <span>$</span>.
For now, I stripped the itemprop="price" from that span, and added it back with a "<meta itemprop="price" content=""" & totprice & """>"
ECT'ing since v3.1
Edited by - RobertBrady on 02/13/2024 12:23:23
42780 Posts |
Posted - 02/15/2024 : 07:03:20
Hi Robert You could try just replacing the function that displays the price in the product detail pages. To do that open the incproddetail.asp script in notepad and search for this text... sub pddprice() Then get the latest updater and open the incproddetail.asp script in notepad and again search for... sub pddprice() Then copy the new function and replace the old function with it. Keep a backup of the incproddetail.asp script before the changes in case there are problems. Vince Click Here for Shopping Cart SoftwareClick Here to sign up for our newsletterClick Here for the latest updater