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 Design issues
 CSV Import Wipes Text Format
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Starting Member

29 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2024 :  12:00:55  
Hi all,

I apologize if this is not the correct category for this topic.

A team member of mine is trying to do a mass import of products via CSV onto the site. Everything flows correctly, but the long Product Description does not keep the line breaks and spaces from the CSV. It ends up bundled completely together into a single paragraph instead of separated into different lines like it was previously in the CSV.

Is it the nature of the CSV file that wipes out this text format? Please let me know if any more info is needed.


ECT Moderator

10426 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2024 :  13:47:30  
Hi, it really depends on your data, and where (what kind of document) you are copying from.
For a line break to show on your website, it would need to have the required html <br> and I suspect your data doesn't have that.

Perhaps there is a way to fix this in bulk, before uploading, but without knowing much about your data, it's hard to say.


Starting Member

29 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2024 :  07:08:02  
From what it sounds like, the way to fix it in bulk would be to just modify the CSV file we import into the site. The "Long Product Description" is a column in the file we import with a header called "pLongDescription". There is a description for each row/product on this sheet.

Would the solution be to add in the HTML <br> tags at the end of each desired sentence in the Long Description of the CSV file and then reimport?

I hope this provided more context.


ECT Moderator

10426 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2024 :  08:21:45  
Hi, yes, you could manually insert those br tags where you need them, but where are you getting the data from?
Perhaps it could be provided in html, or if it's "rich text", like a word document for example, there are tools to convert that to html for example.

I was more interested in the origin of your info, rather than the process you are using to upload it.

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