Posted - 05/10/2024 : 13:10:01
Hi Robert, Can you post the entries you have in your vsadmin/includes.php file please For example you should have something like this: $digidownloads=TRUE; $digidownloadmethod="filesystem"; $digidownloadpattern="/home/richard/mydownloads/"; $digidownloadsecret="fejojdojfojfoijfojqoijqoeirjfo"; $digidownloadwarn=TRUE; $digidownloademail="Your products can be downloaded for one more day by <a href=''>Clicking Here</a>%nl%Or alternatively,%nl%<a href=''>Click Here</a>%nl%'. . . and enter the order ID %orderid% and password %password%%nl%%nl%"; $digidownloaddays=1; and your downloadable products would be a zipped file in the directory 'mydownloads' and that directory should be outside the public_html directory, and the product reference would be named the same as the zip file (without the extension), and you have entered A in the download field of that product quote:
The problem is I am using "Pay by Check or Money order" as a payment option
There's no feature to offer a 'pay later' method with a downloadable product, but if you follow the above instructions and make sure the download directory is outside the root directory and ensure the correct path is defined in the vsadmin/includes.php file it should function correctly. If you need any further help just click on my name and send me an email *Contact Us**Buy The PHP Capture Card Plugin**Rate Our Services/View Our Feedback*
Edited by - Phil on 05/10/2024 13:12:55