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ECT Moderator

1719 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2024 :  12:37:15  
I am absolutely loving the ECT Widgets in Wordpress. It's not only wonderful and clever but it's fun.

I have a little request - the center column of the page has two theme options for the background color. Regular white, or regular black. Is there a way to change the color? I can't seem to override it.

Also, are layout options possible for the Cross Sales on the home page to match the product layout?


42861 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2024 :  23:54:26  
Hi LadyM
Changing that black background setting will invert a lot of the default site colors and is designed to support templates like our "Darkside" template for all the Goth and Death Metal websites. But if you just want to change the site back ground color I think it would be easier to change it using the WP Admin -> Customizer -> Custom CSS.

When using the cross sell shortcode you can specify parameters to change the usual cross sell settings and that includes the "csstyleprefix" which if you set to blank will then use the same styles as the product page. Normally this is set to "cs" so all styles are prefixed with cs.

Here are just some examples of things you can set, including the csstyleprefix at the end

ect_crosssell csstyleprefix=""


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ECT Moderator

1719 Posts

Posted - 10/02/2024 :  09:46:43  
Thanks Vince. I'll give it a go.

ECT Moderator

1719 Posts

Posted - 10/14/2024 :  09:05:36  
csstyleprefix="" worked brilliantly. I had been struggling with adding css to the custom css in WP, wondering why I couldn't get anything to stick. I reread this post 3 times to be sure I understood it, and bingo, there it was. Exactly as I wanted it.

Thanks again doesn't seem like enough.


42861 Posts

Posted - 10/14/2024 :  23:28:42  
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