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44 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 06/06/2024 : 19:53:41
We use the invoice option as our packing slip so pricing can be monitored whilst entering into our system in case there is an erro on the website. Is there a way to have the comments field included on the invoice or alternatively have the pricing included on the packing slip?
Thanks in Anticipation
David W
ECT Moderator
10460 Posts |
Posted - 06/06/2024 : 21:10:38
Hi David, information entered into the "additional information" section will print on the packing slip/invoice. If you want pricing, just print an invoice instead of packing slip.
Thanks, David
Starting Member
44 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 06/06/2024 : 21:41:32
Hi David
We are running with the latest V7.7.6 php and the packing slip has ADDITIONAL DETAILS included but the invoice doesn't it just has Billing Details, Shipping Deetails and Shipping
Thanks for your interest also
David w
ECT Moderator
United Kingdom
7713 Posts |
Posted - 06/07/2024 : 01:47:41
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44 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 06/07/2024 : 17:20:03
On our version, there is definately no Additional Details field in the invoice. I tried to insert images of what we see in this message but the images would not insert
Regards and thanks for any insight you may be able to give
ECT Moderator
10460 Posts |
Posted - 06/07/2024 : 22:18:33
Hi, it is possible to hide that if you setup some custom css for the admin, which is possible. Is this a new install, or have you made some changes over time? To add an image here, you just upload the image to your server, or host it somewhere, and then link to the image by wrapping it around [i m g]image-path-here[/i m g] (without the spaces in the img  There is also a tool on the toolbar to create these tags. Thanks, David
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44 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 06/10/2024 : 17:06:47
Hi Dave We upgraded from V6.4 I think it was, don't think there was any changes to the css but who knows it was installed years ago. Here is the invoice and packing slip that we see (hopefully I have done it correct so you see it. What is the actual css file I should be looking for? [img][/img][img][/img]
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44 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 06/10/2024 : 17:09:12
Here is the invoice[img][/img]
Edited by - ccds on 06/10/2024 17:10:42
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44 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 06/11/2024 : 18:42:34
I Just did a view source for the invoice page and it has the additional details there but its not showing up on the page - its hidden! here is the script
</div><div class="adddetails invoiceadddetails"> <div class="colheading"><h2>Additional Details.</h2></div> <div class="container container1"> <div class="ordemail left">Email:</div> <div class="ordemail right"></div> </div> <div class="container container2"> <div class="ordcheckoutextra1 left">Do you agree to the freight charges on previous page?(See Shipping Above) Pick Up use YES and select pick up Above:</div> <div class="ordcheckoutextra1 right">Yes</div> </div> <div class="container container3"> <div class="ordcheckoutextra2 left">Can the parcel be left by courier, please supply instructions:</div> <div class="ordcheckoutextra2 right"></div> </div> <div class="container container4"> <div class="ordaddinfo left">Special Instructions - <strong>If Pick Up Include Approx Time or Day</strong>:</div> <div class="ordaddinfo right">Can you please add this to my order i'll pick up tomorrow morning. thanks.</div> </div> <div class="container container7"> <div class="orddiscounttext left">Applicable Discounts:</div> <div class="orddiscounttext right">Discounts applicable to login: xxx xxxxxxx<br></div> </div> </div><div class="shipping invoiceshipping"> <div class="colheading"><h2>Shipping.</h2></div> <div class="container container1"> <div class="ordshiptype left">Shipping Method:</div> <div class="ordshiptype right">Pick up from store</div> </div> <div class="container container4"> <div class="left"></div> <div class="right"></div> </div> </div>

Starting Member
44 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 06/11/2024 : 19:37:36
We found the culpritt in an old custom css file, case closed!