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 Add "Customer Reviews" to your Contact page
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Ecommerce Template Guru

1014 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2013 :  02:37:16  
Customer Reviews can be a strong marketing recommendation for any Business. The Ecommerce Templates "Product Review" feature can be adapted for Customer Testimonials.

"Contact Us" is always a frequently viewed page. So there is a good place to add your Customer Reviews, Ratings and Comments about the Business.

Here is a sample Business Contact page with Customer Reviews added >>

Run that URL through the Google Structured Data Testing Tool to check the result.

The <font color="orange">*****</font id="orange"> rating stars in search results will attract attention and likely get you more clicks, more visits.
So how to do that ? Here is the REVISED procedure updated 14 June 2016 for PHP.

(1) Check Product Reviews and Ratings settings in your "<font color="red">includes.php</font id="red">" config file.

<font color="blue">$enablecustomerratings=TRUE; <font color="brown">// change to FALSE if you do not want reviews on all Product pages</font id="brown">
$customerratinglength=2048; <font color="brown">// Permit long text length in reviews</font id="brown">
$onlyclientratings=FALSE; <font color="brown">// Must be logged in to enter review ? Nope, but reviews must still be Approved before they are published. Otherwise change to TRUE</font id="brown">
$numcustomerratings=15; <font color="brown">// Display 15 per page, lets not have too many page breaks.</font id="brown">

$detlinkspacechar="-"; <font color="brown">// replace space characters in product names with - dash</font id="brown"></font id="blue">

(2) Your "Contact Us" page must be created as a Product, so that Customer Reviews can be added to it.

Reference ID = <font color="red">contact</font id="red">
Prod Name = <font color="red">Contact Business Name in City, State</font id="red"> (substitute your Business Name. City and State are optional but recommended, can benefit SEO.)
Section = Select any Menu section you like, it must appear in one active section, suggest your most popular section that never gets disabled.
Price = 0.00
Sell Button = No, remove tick
Display Product = Yes, tick that box
Upload an Image = Business Logo, Photo of Premises, whatever suits. <font color="maroon">Name one image "<font color="red">contact.jpg</font id="red">"</font id="maroon"> then upload.
Product Order = 9000 (Or whatever, preferable to make the Contact page display last in list. How to do that depends upon your Page Sort Order. If Product Order, set number high. If date, jiggle date added to suit.)

>> <font color="navy">Select <font color="red">Has Static URL</font id="red"> from the dropdown list</font id="navy">. This must be a static page. The URL to enter will be something like "<font color="blue">contact-business-name.php</font id="blue">", and substitute whatever your business name is.
>> EDIT for v6.4.2 the URL should be entered with spaces between words, not dashes, like "<font color="blue">contact business name.php</font id="blue">"
The parameter <font color="blue">$detlinkspacechar="-";</font id="blue"> will add the dashes into the filename so that it finally becomes "<font color="blue">contact-business-name.php</font id="blue">"

Enter details for both Short and Long Descriptions.
<font color="blue">Submit</font id="blue">.

(3) Create the new static PHP page.

Open <font color="maroon">proddetail.php</font id="maroon">
File ... Save As ... "<font color="blue">contact-business-name.php</font id="blue">" (Whatever URL filename you entered above in Product Admin).

In the <font color="maroon"><head></font id="maroon"> section (in an editable region) we need to (a) load the ECT content management system, (b) page ID, (c) meta details and (d) dynamic page <font color="maroon"><title></font id="maroon">. So in Adobe Dreaweaver, here is that portion of code. (<font color="red">You edit the RED bits</font id="red">):

<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
<font color="blue"><?php
include "vsadmin/db_conn_open.php";
include "vsadmin/inc/languagefile.php";
include "vsadmin/includes.php";
include "vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.php";
<font color="red">$explicitid="contact";
$prodid="contact";</font id="red">
include "vsadmin/inc/metainfo.php";?>
<title><?php print $productname; ?></title>
<meta property="og:title" content="<?php print $productname ?>"></font id="blue">
<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
Your other dynamic <font color="maroon"><meta></font id="maroon"> tag code entries will look like this
<font color="blue"><meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="<font color="red">Your Business Name</font id="red">">
<meta property="og:type" content="article">
<meta name="Description" content="<?php print $productdescription ?>">
<meta property="og:description" content="<?php print $productdescription ?>">
<meta property="og:image" content="<font color="red">http:// yourwebsite .com</font id="red">/prodimages/<?php print $productid;?>.jpg">
<meta property="og:url" content="<font color="red">http:// yourwebsite .com/contact-business-name.php</font id="red">">
<link rel="canonical" href="<font color="red">http:// yourwebsite .com/contact-business-name.php</font id="red">">
</font id="blue">
Note that the <font color="blue">rel=canonical</font id="blue"> tag prevents Search Engines from interpreting the <font color="blue">?review=all</font id="blue"> page link as Duplicate Content.

So now, down in the <font color="maroon"><body></font id="maroon"> section, we call in your Contact page details.

<font size="3">The trick here is to specify a unique string of special configuration settings for this one particular page layout :</font id="size3">[quote]<font size="4"><font color="blue"><?php $enablecustomerratings=<font color="purple">TRUE</font id="purple">; $nobuyorcheckout=<font color="purple">TRUE</font id="purple">; $noprice=<font color="purple">TRUE</font id="purple">; $nopriceanywhere=<font color="purple">TRUE</font id="purple">; $xxBasRat='<font color="purple">%s Reviews</font id="purple">'; $xxRvNone='<font color="purple">No reviews yet</font id="purple">'; $xxRvPrRe='<font color="purple">Reviews</font id="purple">'; $xxRvRevP='<font color="purple">Reviews</font id="purple">'; $xxClkRev='<font color="purple">Add your review #8658;</font id="purple">'; $xxRvComm='<font color="purple">Your personal review </font id="purple">'; $detailpagelayout='<font color="purple">navigation, reviewstars, productname, description, reviews</font id="purple">'; include "<font color="purple">vsadmin/inc/incproddetail.php</font id="purple">" ?></font id="blue"></font id="size4"><hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">SAVE and UPLOAD file to Server. Visit your website and view link to your new Contact page. Click link to check the static URL filename exists, the page opens and displays correct. Add a Review to check that works.

(4) Check page for errors using Webmaster Tools

All should be good, but nice to check.
(a) Google Structured Data Testing Tool (Rich Snippets) >>
(b) Facebook Debugger (Open Graph OG meta tags) >>

Now it is very easy for Customers, or the Website Administrator, to add more testimonials about your business. You get to moderate and Approve prior to publishing.
And when your "<font color="blue">Contact</font id="blue">" page appears in Google search results, the <font size="3"><font color="orange">*****</font id="orange"> Ratings</font id="size3"> count Rich Snippet appears as well.

So that works. BUT WAIT, there is one issue. The Rich Snippets will all be related to

Don't know that Search Engines can actually detect that the Contact page is not in fact a "Product". But technically it would be far better if the Rich Snippets were for a
Then we could manually add code markup for Address, Telephone, Email, Map, etc.

This is more advanced, since it does involve editing source PHP code, but not so difficult.

(5) How to create a file named <font color="red">inclocalbusiness.php</font id="red"> for your Contact page, with appropriate Rich Snippets.

==> Downside here is you must do this again upon each new Update release of the software. Unless Ecommerce Templates would like to adopt this idea, and likely figure a better way

Open the file named <font color="maroon">vsadmin\inc\incproddetail.php</font id="maroon">
Now File ... Save As ... <font color="red">inclocalbusiness.php</font id="red"> ... and make sure that file is saved into the <font color="maroon">vsadmin\inc</font id="maroon"> folder.
View the source PHP code. Here are the code changes.

(a) Search for 2 instances of <font color="blue">""</font id="blue">
Replace both with <font color="red">""</font id="red">

(b) Search for 2 instances of <font color="blue">itemprop="offers"</font id="blue">
substitute both with ...
<font color="red">itemprop="makesOffer"</font id="red">

(c) Search for and <font color="red">DELETE</font id="red"> 2 instances of each of these <span> tags...
<font color="red"><span itemprop="productID"><font color="blue"> Leave the code in between </font id="blue"></span>
<span itemprop="manufacturer"><font color="blue"> Leave the code in between </font id="blue"></span>
<span itemprop="sku"><font color="blue"> Leave the code in between </font id="blue"></span></font id="red">

SAVE and UPLOAD that new <font color="red">inclocalbusiness.php</font id="red"> file to your server.

Last step ... Open your "<font color="blue">contact-business-name.php</font id="blue">" page, whatever filename you gave it.
Down in the in the <font color="maroon"><body></font id="maroon"> section, simply edit the code <font color="red">highlighted in RED</font id="red"> :[quote]<font size="4"><font color="blue"><?php $enablecustomerratings=<font color="purple">TRUE</font id="purple">; $nobuyorcheckout=<font color="purple">TRUE</font id="purple">; $noprice=<font color="purple">TRUE</font id="purple">; $nopriceanywhere=<font color="purple">TRUE</font id="purple">; $xxBasRat='<font color="purple">%s Reviews</font id="purple">'; $xxRvNone='<font color="purple">No reviews yet</font id="purple">'; $xxRvPrRe='<font color="purple">Reviews</font id="purple">'; $xxRvRevP='<font color="purple">Reviews</font id="purple">'; $xxClkRev='<font color="purple">Add your review #8658;</font id="purple">'; $xxRvComm='<font color="purple">Your personal review </font id="purple">'; $detailpagelayout='<font color="purple">navigation, reviewstars, productname, description, reviews</font id="purple">'; include "<font color="purple">vsadmin/inc/<font color="red">inclocalbusiness.php</font id="red"></font id="purple">" ?></font id="blue"></font id="size4"><hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">SAVE and UPLOAD file to Server.

(6) Sample itemprop markup for your Contact page.

You will likely have different <font color="blue"><div></font id="blue"> or <font color="blue"><p></font id="blue"> CSS class tags on your page. But <font color="red">edit the RED bits</font id="red"> and adapt into your layout as necessary.

<font color="blue"><p><font color="red">Gary Flack</font id="red"><br />
<span itemprop="legalName"><font color="red">ITZAP Website Design Works</font id="red"></span><br />
<span itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="streetAddress"><font color="red">117 Princes Highway</font id="red"></span><br />
<span itemprop="addresslocality"><font color="red">Lucknow</font id="red"></span>, <span itemprop="addressRegion"><font color="red">Victoria</font id="red"></span>, <span itemprop="postalCode"><font color="red">3875</font id="red"></span><br />
<span itemprop="addressCountry"><font color="red">Australia</font id="red"></span></span></p>
<p><span itemprop="taxID"><font color="red">ABN 12 795 798 970</font id="red"></span></p>
<p>Telephone <span itemprop="telephone"><font color="red">(03) 5153 2750</font id="red"></span>
<p>Mobile <span itemprop="telephone"><font color="red">0499 347 269</font id="red"></span></font id="blue">

Test again using Webmaster Tools. All will be perfect now.

Would you like all of this done for you ? No problem. Price Australian $75.00 = approx USD$56.00.
I would need your FTP and Store Login details. PHP only, any version.


Edited by - ITZAP on 06/14/2016 00:06:11

Ecommerce Template Guru

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Posted - 03/21/2013 :  00:52:09  
Thanks Gary, when I get back in the office I will have to give this a good looksy.


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Posted - 05/17/2014 :  09:27:50  
Any chance to help convert to ASP?


Patrick Smith

ECT Moderator

65936 Posts

Posted - 05/17/2014 :  10:12:45  
Hi Pat, you would just need to change the PHP parameters and language variables out for ASP in step 1 and step 3,

Step1 To enable reviews:

Step 3:
(3b) Underneith that CSS, also in the in the <head> section, add this code to change the Review language a bit ...
<% xxBasRat="Based upon %s rating(s)." %>
<% xxRvNone="No testimonials as yet" %>
<% xxRvPrRe="Testimonial(s) submitted" %>
<% xxRvRevP="Testimonials" %>
<% xxClkRev="Click to enter your own personal review about Business Name" %>
(3c) Down further in the <body> section of the page, where the content is to appear, you need this ...
<!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/incproddetail.asp"-->

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Posted - 06/13/2016 :  09:15:05  
Hi Gary,

To implement this on the php v 6.5.5 would the instructions above still be relevant, or would there be anything that needs changing in any way?

If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up somewhere else

Ecommerce Template Guru

1014 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2016 :  23:46:34  
OK, I have given the "Customer Reviews" directions a workover today. There is a bit to it I guess, but work through step by step. Hope that helps.


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United Kingdom
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Posted - 06/14/2016 :  02:11:22  
Cheers, I will do & I will keep this updated

If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up somewhere else

Ecommerce Template Expert

915 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2017 :  11:49:05  
Hi Gary,

I followed your instructions here and all went well. The only thing that I can't get to work is my image won't display.

I uploaded it in the product admin page but it doesn't show on my contact page.

Any thoughts?

https://www (DOT)

I had to add the following to the new contact page $detailpagelayout='reviewstars, productimage, etc....

Edited by - midvalleydrifter001 on 11/05/2017 12:31:06

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Posted - 02/27/2018 :  02:25:09  

Are you able to accomplish this with version 6.7.4 ?

There must have once been an option for "Sell Button = No, remove tick Display Product = Yes, tick that box" that no longer exists when adding a product as I do not see this on the add new product page..

Thank you for any help!

Ecommerce Template Guru

1014 Posts

Posted - 02/27/2018 :  17:42:13  
gsdxena, to answer your question ...

If you have enabled Stock Control, then there will be no "Sell Button" checkbox, and On or Off is not relevant anyway because ...

$detailpagelayout='navigation, productname, description, reviews';

... specifies what elements appear on the page, in which order. Notice there is no "price", "addtocart" or "checkoutbutton".

You could include ... 'productimage, reviewstars, socialmedia' ... elements if you wanted.

I do need to revise this topic, because it is way out of date and can be simplified. Will do so shortly.


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Posted - 02/28/2018 :  01:45:31  
Thanks so much! I will give it a try! If unsuccessful would love for you to accomplish this for me.

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Posted - 02/28/2018 :  02:29:52  
Gary, this is fantastic! I got it working:-) Our items are unique one time items so reviews aren't possible unless I want it to fill up the site with out of stock items so their reviews are shown! Now I will just include a review link in their Thank you email to leave a review on this new page:-)!

Ecommerce Template Guru

1014 Posts

Posted - 01/05/2020 :  20:00:23  
On the 18th September 2019 Google decided that "Self-serving reviews aren't allowed for LocalBusiness and Organization" structured data categories. Read their reasons why here >>

You can still have Reviews on those pages. But the * * * * * Review Stars will no longer appear in search results.

So unfortunately this Trick is now obsolete. The topic can be deleted.


Ecommerce Template Guru

1889 Posts

Posted - 01/05/2020 :  20:50:35  
Yet another hoop Google made people jump through just to shut it down.

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