Posted - 04/18/2024 : 19:21:07
This may be an option for you to consider. I have a Retail Client who advertise Products & Prices with " 0 zero In Stock" because they are selling In Store as well as Online. Thus actual Stock levels are never certain. So in this case the " Add to Cart" button is replaced with the advice " Enquire to confirm availability". To achieve this, enter the following parameters into your includes.asp configuration file and upload to server. (1) Prevent snippet reporting availability AND setschemaavailability=FALSE(2) Change Out Of Stock message 'xxOutStok'='Enquire to confirm availability'(3) Change Ask a Question button text. 'xxAskQue'='Enquire'(4) Note that you also need to define Social Media Buttons and detailpagelayout >>I presume that ASP code is correct. View a sample webpage here >>Run that URL through the Google Rich Results Test Tool >>Gary 