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Posted - 05/24/2024 :  13:21:15  
Having an issue accessing the login.php page to get to the admin. The page times out from what appears to be too many redirects. I just migrated from one hosting company to another. The old host was on a VPS running cPanel. This new host is on a dedicated managed server. All files have been copied over via ftp and the db exported and imported. I can't find a similar issue within the forum. New server currently running PHP 8 and MySql 5.7 on cart version PHP v7.5.7 and as it was working on the original server don't think it would be an upgrade issue. Website:

Thoughts as to what would cause the login.php file not to be accessible?


ECT Moderator

10327 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2024 :  13:28:01  
Hi, when I browse to the site and the admin location > login.php I get the login screen just fine.
Are you seeing something different?
Or when you try to login in, you get the issue?

I see you are running php8, but was the older server on php8?
If the site was not updated for a long time and you jump from a very old version of php, to php 7+, you need to make some changes outlined here -

There is no harm in running the update package - even if it was your last update, as that may set things right.


Edited by - dbdave on 05/24/2024 13:28:31

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Posted - 05/24/2024 :  13:33:24  
Hi Dave,

Thanks for the insight. It occurs when I try to login. Sorry, should have mentioned that.

The previous server was on PHP v7.4. I did run the updatestore.php file as well.


ECT Moderator

10327 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2024 :  14:10:19  
Can you provide the exact message you get when you try to log in?
Have you tested your checkout to be sure all is well, as this could be a session variables issue.


Edited by - dbdave on 05/24/2024 14:10:53

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Posted - 05/24/2024 :  17:27:07  
There is a browser error message of "A timeout occurred". Error code: 524

ECT Moderator

10327 Posts

Posted - 05/25/2024 :  10:10:30  
Hi Brian, I added an item to your cart, and then added another. The 2nd item was not added - just the first item remains.
This, and the trouble with the admin, leads me to believe you have an issue with the sessions on the server.
You should ask your host to check that.
I expect this is your issue.

There is also a smaller possibility that BOM (Byte order Mark) has crept into one or more of your files, such as your includes.php file.
You can check for that with the free program notepad++ which is also a terrific HTML and code editor.

PHP includes

At the time this article was written, if you include some external file in a page using PHP and that file starts with a BOM, it may create blank lines.

This is because the BOM is not stripped before inclusion into the page, and acts like a character occupying a line of text. See an example. In the example, a blank line containing the BOM appears above the first item of included text.

You should ensure that the included files do not start with a BOM.

You may also find that the BOM causes problems for an ordinary PHP page. When sending custom HTTP headers the code to set the header must be called before output begins. A BOM at the start of the file causes the page to begin output before the header command is interpreted, and may lead to error messages and other problems in the displayed page.


ECT Moderator

10327 Posts

Posted - 05/25/2024 :  10:14:42  
Hi Brian, additionally, I wanted to mention, in fairness, to receive support here, technically, you should have an active support period.
I'm just a volunteer here, so I have no stake in ECT.
I expect you want to update as well, as there are quite a few new features and security fixes you will want.


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Posted - 05/25/2024 :  15:14:22  
Thanks, Dave. An issue with sessions on the server in what manner? Is it where sessions are limited and it is kicking the site out? I want to be specific in what I'm asking the host as this is a managed server and I have limited access.

I understand your point on support. I wanted to mirror the site to what I was using on the previous server. Then when the site is functioning correctly, I would upgrade.


ECT Moderator

10327 Posts

Posted - 05/26/2024 :  12:13:37  
Hi, if you tell your host, you think there is a problem with session variables on the server, they should be able to take it from there.
Ask your host if there is any caching that you are not aware of, too.

This is not unheard of when setting up a new server.
Is your host providing a control panel for you, such a c-panel, or plesk for example?
It may be something you can check and resolve.
You might load up a page with the code example on this link and test it out.

See the 2nd post here as well -

I don't think this is a problem with anything related to ect, and more likely server settings.
The admin refreshing back to login and cart items not showing are clear indicators of the problem.

Unless you have setup some aggressive caching I think this is server variables.


Edited by - dbdave on 05/26/2024 12:19:30

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Posted - 05/26/2024 :  12:56:45  
Thanks, Dave. I'll run these tests and reach out to my host.


Advanced Member

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Posted - 06/05/2024 :  12:04:40  
Hi Dave,

I wound up moving hosts and it solved the problem. Being on a managed server was the hang-up as it was limited to what settings can be changed.

Thanks for your help.

ECT Moderator

10327 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2024 :  14:41:45  
Hi Brian, good news.
Some hosts do have limitations, so that's understandable.

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