Ecommerce Templates > Updater history
Ecommerce Templates Updater History
Introduction - How the updater works
The updaters are free for the first 6 months and will then cost an extra €39.95 for a further 6 months
if you wish to continue or €49.95 for 12 months. There is no obligation to continue using the updaters but they will add
extra functionality to your store as well as providing any crucial security fixes.
You can always pick up the latest updater here by adding the email address you originally purchased your store with
to the field there. Should your email address have changed then please let us know so we can update your records. If you are not
sure which version you are currently running then you can check the number on your main admin page. The updaters will not
change anything in your design but will update your vsadmin and inc files. If you have made custom changes there, you are advised
to make a copy of those files first as they may be overwritten. Updaters are cumulative so it is not necessary to update with each release.
To receive automatic email notification of the latest updater
releases, please subscribe to the updater forum where you will also find the list of recent additions.
We have compiled below a summary of each major release since version 4.8.0 (February 2006). This doesn't include
dot releases which are generally a round of up of bug fixes and security patches. We do strongly recommend keeping up to date with updaters.

Version 7.5.0 - Released March 2022
- Set tracking numbers, send status updates and view shipped status of individual line items.
Version 7.4.0 - Released July 2021
- Accessibility code improvements for those using assitive technology.
- Email Friend / Ask a Question / Contact Us matching other popups.
- Overhaul of PayPal, Square and Stripe payment systems.
- DOS attack protection
- Plural / singular product name search improvements.
- Click outside of popup windows to close.
- More efficient product option code.
- Better option tooltips.
- Unlimited Custom Product columns.
- Include PHP file in the product / detail page layout.
- WordPress version improvements.
Version 7.3.0 - Released January 2021
- Premium CSS layouts now included as standard.
- Create Root Categories for category header, page title, meta description etc for the root of product catalog.
- Site ID to display sub-categories of your product catalog on different websites.
- Google Analytics 4 (GA4).
- PayPal Checkout overhaul.
- Pay360 now integrated for UK customers.
Version 7.2.0 - Released March 2020
- Creat articles with correct Schema markup.
- Create and Share cart contents with customers.
- Quick Update extended.
- Important security updates
Version 7.0.0 - Released May 2019
- Mobile device notifications for the iphone
- Email verification on checkout
- New classes for product options
- Product ID class for each individual product
- Product images in admin orders and thanks page
- Content regions on product detail pages
- Start and End dates for coupons & discounts
- PayPal Checkout (PHP Only Initially)
- Capture the Browser User Agent on orders
- Sha512 hash support
- Dynamically display categories on the home page
- Show related items in the soft cart
- Database Utility check for unreferenced image files with delete image option
- New API (Upgrade for AIM) and Accept Hosted (Upgrade for SIM) integrations
Version 6.9.0 - Released July 2018
- Froala HTML editor for the admin
- Important performance enhancements
- New side filter bar plugin with checkboxes compatibility
- Extensionless URLs available for all store pages
- Opt-in / Opt-out mailing list sign up
- Terms and Conditions inline pop-up
- Create account button on the billing / shipping screen of checkout
- List Price changes with product option price changes
- Quantity pricing available as a percentage
- Dynamic breadcrumbs select menu
Version 6.8.0 - Released July 2017
- MailChimp integration
- Braintree Express Checkout
- Mobile friendly orders page
- Customizable css invoice / packing slip layout
- Customizable css thanks / receipt page
- Exempt products from storewide discounts
- Admin categories quick entry for image viewing and discount editing
- Admin stats SVG graphs
- New product sort options
- Item count in admin pages
Version 6.7.0 - Released May 2017
- Complete overhaul of the wish list / gift registry feature
- Storewide vacation / holiday setting
- Category headers for category pages
- Sort by Product SKU
- Per product minimum purchase quantity
- Date picker product option
- Abandoned cart emails
- Cross sell layout formatting
- New quantity control formatting
- Admin database utility
Version 6.6.0 - Released October 2016
- Inbuilt Google reCaptcha integration for key areas of the store
- Automatic integration of Social Media buttons
- Braintree Payment Process for the PHP version
- Quick Buy feature
- Email Addresses import as a CSV file
- Quick Update feature for Admin Categories
- Pop ups for Client Login feature
Version 6.5.0 - Released July 2015
- CSS Based Shopping Cart
- CSS Product Page Layout
- CSS Search Form Layout
- CSS layouts for affiliate, client login, donation, gift certificate, orders status and tracking pages
- Product Option Tool Tips
- Create Packages from Existing Products
- Alternate Product ID Multiplier
- Quantity Pricing Display
- Pack Products Together Exemption
- Gift Certificate Entry on First Checkout Screen
- New PayPal Express Checkout Experience
- New Email Notifications
- Extra Questions for the Ask A Question Screen
Version 6.4.0 - Released June 2014
- Ability to assign unlimited attributes to a product like size, color, weight, manufacturer etc.
- Conditional Product Options so changing one option can show / hide dependent options.
- Custom per page meta tags and titles.
- Integration with server URL Rewriting systems so you can have extensionless, search engine friendly URLs
more details
- Tagged keywords linked to product search on the product detail pages.
- Integration with the Side Filter Bar
available here
Version 6.3.0 - Released July 2013
- New tablet friendly control panel with responsive dashboard
- Soft cart feature
more details
- Revamp of the shopping cart / checkout pages with checkout progress bar
more details
- You are only $xx from free shipping feature
- Improvements to the cart, client login and search pages for responsive sites
- Show the amount saved between price and list price
- MagicToolBox features on the products page
more details
- Rich snippets / Structured Data for products
more details
- Extra product and client login custom fields
- Percentage discounts / increments per shipping carrier
Version 6.2.0 - Released April 2012
- Mobile friendly features
more details
- CSS based layouts for product, detail and category pages
more details
- DHL shipping integration
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- Royal Mail shipping integration
more details
- Back ordering
- Product exemption from free shipping discounts
- Optional category headers for product pages
- Gift wrapping choice and charge
- Dynamic States on checkout
- Multiple tracking numbers per order & auto detection of shipping carrier on the tracking page
- Variable sections for status emails for each status type
Version 6.1.0 - Released June 2011
- PA-DSS compliance
more details
- Magic Toolbox integration
more details
- Loyalty / reward points
more details
- Certification for new FedEx Web Services and support for FedEx for Canadian stores
- Cost per character for text input options
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- Ask a Question / Email a Friend lightbox features.
- Unlimited product images
Version 6.0.0 - Released July 2010
- Product filter bar
more details
- Notify me when back in stock
- Show all shipping services in the estimator and on checkout
more details
- New mailing list features
more details
- Discounts by login level
- Persistent cart items
- Multiple purchase options with regular options
- Mailing list export (6.0.5)
more details
Version 5.9.0 - Released December 2009
- Dynamic CSS Menu Creation System
more details
- CMS Content Regions
more details
- Cardinal Commerce 3D Secure
more details
- Admin Orders Past Order Lookup
- Alternate Shipping Carriers in Shipping Estimator
- Sexy New-Look Admin Panel
- Searching and Quick Delete in Ratings
- Wholesale and Percentage Discounts on One Account
Version 5.8.0 - Released July 2009
Version 5.7.0 - Released February 2009
- Better stock management control in admin orders
- The ability to use the category name as a category identifier
more details
- Optional Split First and Last Name on checkout
ASP Version | PHP Version
- Additional search parameters for products
more details
- Capture HTTP Referrer on orders
- More Powerful Customer Login Admin
more details
- More Powerful and Usable Alternate Product ID System
more details
- Previous and Next buttons on the admin orders page.
- Affiliate Program Admin Rewrite
- Amazon Simple Pay
- Optionally Force Customers to Select Payment Method
ASP Version | PHP Version
- Optionally Copy Billing to Shipping Address Automatically
ASP Version | PHP Version
- Specify Category by name in CSV Uploads
- Email Friend Page Rewrite
- Elect Which Order Status Receive Update Emails
- Mailing List Can Use Customers Name
- Ability to Send Emails to Affiliates
- Optionally Hide Shipping Address
ASP Version | PHP Version
- Admin Home Page Indicators of orders, affiliates, mailing list and customer login sign-ups.
Version 5.6.0 - Released July 2008
- Gift Certificates
more details
- Donations
more details
- Aiming for XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant and Section 508 (accessibility) compliant code
- Visual editing of email messages in admin
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- Search for products in orders
- Handling charge exemptions
- Rating averages on products pages
more details
- Buy button at top of product details page
ASP Version | PHP Version
- Improved handling of oversized objects when using dimensions
- Turn off the category name and description on the categories page layout
ASP Version | PHP Version
- Manufacturers page similar to the Categories page
more details
Version 5.5.0 - Released February 2008
Version 5.4.0 - Released July 2007
- Reworking of admin orders and statistics pages
- Tax inclusive pricing
ASP Version | PHP Version
- PayPal backend authorization / capture functionality
- Ability to have multiple admin logins restricted to certain sections of the administration
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- All anchor tags given their own class "ectlink"
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- Mailing list management and ability to send emails to (small to medium sized) mailing list
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- Clickable product image / link in the cart
ASP Version | PHP Version
- Print multiple invoices / packing slips at one time on the admin orders page
more details
- Editing orders in the admin orders page can now adjust stock levels
- New orders can now be created in the admin orders page
- Reworking of countries admin page
Version 5.3.0 - Released February 2007
- Customer registration / account facility
more details
- Search engine friendly static page redirection
ASP Version | PHP Version
- Printable Packing Slips and Invoices
- Collect email addresses on checkout
ASP Version | PHP Version
- PayPal Coupons added as part of the PayPal Express Checkout flow.
Version 5.2.0 - Released June 2007
- Google Checkout integrated into Ecommerce Templates
Version 5.1.0 - Released May 2007
Version 5.0.0 - Released February 2007
- Full product admin search facility
more details
- New table / List layout for products
more details
- Combine shipping and handling totals
ASP Version | PHP Version
- Set a different default shipping method for domestic and international shipments if required
- Show number of products in stock
ASP Version | PHP Version
- Remove out of stock items from product listing
ASP Version | PHP Version
- Stock management will now indicate if a request to add to cart can only be partially completed.
- The AVS and CVV codes are now shown separately on the admin orders page for clarity.
- A separate tracking number can now be set in the admin orders page
- Add a handling charge per payment provider.
Version 4.9.0 - Released July 2006
- New security feature to disable vsadmin login
ASP Version | PHP Version
- Shipping estimator on the first checkout page
ASP Version | PHP Version
- Edit the order details on the orders admin page
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- The ability to allow the customer to switch between different shipping carriers at checkout
- Ability for product options to alter product id's for products
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- Weight / Price based shipping methods can be disabled at a given weight / price
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- Limit certain payment methods to logged in customers if required
- Sales statistics page.
Version 4.8.0 - Released February 2006
- New style lightweight CSS based admin section.
- Have up to a total of 3 languages on a store using one database
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- Hide categories for non-logged-in customers
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- The code has been modified as a first pass at moving towards XHTML standards compliance
- Block IP's, IP ranges or set a limit to the amount of transactions a single IP can carry out in a certain period
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- Countries that have varying tax rates for products can now set the tax rate individually per product
ASP Version | PHP Version
- An extra "Email" type payment processor has been added
- Set per login level forwarding pages for the client login system
ASP Version | PHP Version
- Setup and assign Designers / Manufacturers / Drop Shippers to products and send them order details if required on receipt of orders for their assigned products
more details

Updater FAQ
How do I find out what version of the store I am running?
Log into your store control panel and at the top of the main admin page you should see something like this (Version: Ecommerce Plus ASP v6.8.2) where 6.8.2 is the version your store is on.
Do I need to go through every updater or can I just apply the latest?
The updaters are cumulative so you will only need the very latest, which will contain all the new features, security fixes and performance enhancements since you last updated or installed the software.
Will I lose my database or design changes if I update?
The updater will only overwrite the admin files in the vsadmin and inc folders with the exception of the settings in vsadmin/includes.asp / .php and the database connection in vsadmin/db_conn_open.asp / .php. Your design and products will remain intact.
I have 2 store licenses, can i just purchase one updater?
Each license should have its own corresponding updater license.
Where can I purchase the updater?
The updater is available from - you can choose to purchase 6 or 12 months of updates, which will also give you access to support through
Can you update my store for me?
Yes we offer that service for a very small fee here.
I can't remember the email I used on the original purchase, can you check that for me?
Yes, we can look up your order, let you know what the email was and change it if necessary.