Ecommerce Templates > PHP Version Help > Payment Processors > Chronopay


Chronopay and Ecommerce Templates

Settings must be set in your ChronoPay account to interact with the EcommerceTemplates payment module.

Log into your ChronoPay clients area and configure the following:

  • Log in to

  • Set up your site.
  1. On the main menu go to setup.
  2. Click to 'List your sites'.
  3. Click 'Add new site'.
  4. Complete the Add site form. The main field that is important is the Site name as this is displayed at the top of the payments form.
  • Set up the main product.
  1. On the main menu go to setup.
  2. Click on 'List your products'.
  3. Click 'Add new product'.
  4. Complete the add product form. This is the product that will be used for all orders. The price of the product will be set dynamically via EcommerceTemplates. The important fields are:

    ** Product Name - not so important. Recommend that you use your site name or url as it is shown in payment form.
    ** Product Type - Standard
    ** Price - 1.00
    ** Period - 0
    ** Rebill Price - 0.00
    ** Rebill Period - 0
    ** Access URL - your site url + /thanks.php i.e.
    MOST IMPORTANT as this is the redirect on a successful CC processing.
    ** Product username/password management - unchecked.


This module will send the total cost of the purchase to ChronoPay using the price values that you enter into each product in EcommerceTemplates. Therefore, you must enter your product prices in the same currency that you are processing transactions in via ChronoPay.

e.g. - ChronoPay Processing in USD.
- Set Product Price values to the USD on each product.
- If you want to display the prices in a different currency on teh main site, add the currency to
Conversion 1 in Administration > main settings, relative to USD.

Setting up with your Ecommerce Template

1. Download the Chronopay PHP Zip file, unzip it and upload the three files to the vsadmin/inc/ folder

2. Log into the EcommerceTemplates Admin and go to Administration > payment providers. In the Provider Name column you will see "Custom". Click on "modify".

3. Complete the following details:

Show as: Credit Card i.e. the name you want to be displayed as the payment method in EcommerceTemplates.
Enabled: tick
Data 1: The Product ID that you set up in the ChronoPay Client admin.
Data 2: Product Name - This is not extremely important. It is shown on the ChronoPay Hosted Page and is usually set to the Name of your website.
Transaction Type: Authorize Capture
Login Level: No Restriction (or the login level if you have set up permissions though this is not required)

4. Press "Submit"

You can test the system by changing the Customer ID to 87654321 and then on the eway processing page any cardholder name, credit card number 4646464646464646 and an expiry date of next month. Once you are happy with the results, uncheck the demo mode box and you should be ready to go.

Please note that the demo email sent to the customer from eway is just a sample, and not indicative of what will be sent for a live transaction.


Please forward any queries on use of the ChronoPay Payment solution to the following:

Phone number: +31(0)20 79 40110

Please do read our guide here on credit card fraud.

That's all there is to it really - any comments on the set up can be posted on our Support Forum.